LIST SERVER V2.1 READ ME FILE ============================== Changes since v2.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fixed numerous problems with *CATALOG request, especially concerning unregistered versions of List Server 2. Add the ability to bypass the intro screen. Do the following to create an icon that will bypass the intro screen: a. Select file file by clicking on it ONCE from Program manager b. Select File...Properties c. In the command line area, add the following to the end: "RUN" the line should look something like this: C:\LISTSRV2\LISTSRV.EXE RUN d. Click on OK to save it 3. You can now minimize the running icon CREDIT CARD ORDERS/LIST SERVER IS AVAILABLE BY RETAIL! ------------------------------------------------------ Rather than direct, you can order from the SOFTWARE SPECTRUM. Ask for their part #L20069. I CANNOT VOUCH FOR THEIR PRICING AS THEY SET THEIR OWN PRICES. They are a national firm catering to business orders. SETUP INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------------------------- 1. Please Read the file QUICK.WRI and MANUAL for full notes and procedures for installation and use of this product. 2. Run SETUP.EXE NOTE: Assumes that VBRUN300.DLL has been installed in your C:\windows\system directory. CHANGES ========================================================== 6/19/85 1. Fixed problem with use of CATALOG where only a "*" existed for the filename. 2. Fixed problem with a *CATALOG where unregistered not would obscure text 3. Added ability to RUN VIA THE COMMAND LINE AUTOMATICALLY: "LISTSRV.EXE RUN" will bypass the intro screen 4. You can now iconize the running icon Changes (April, 1995) ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fixed problem with matrix of setups to allow for 2000 entries. 2. Included SETUPKIT.DLL which was left off original version and resulted in some failed installs 3. Slight changes to WRI file to assist is use. 4. New MANUAL.WRI that is a big enhancement to the system documentation. 5. CORRECT FAX #. I don't believe I blew it on this on. We had it changed recently and it shows you how much I fax to myself. 509-453-9262 NOW AVAILABLE ON AMERICA-ONLINE ================================ JVCollins@Aol.Com WINDOWS NT USERS ===================================================================== This product will run, unchanged under Windows NT as a 16 bit application. Note, it assumes that a C:\WINDOWS directory exists (this will be changed for version 3.0) WHAT'S PLANNED FOR LIST SERVER? ===================================================================== Due to the high demand, a Version 3.0 is almost an assured thing. It certainly will be using VB 4.0 and will run as a 32 bit application. Depending upon Microsoft, it may move from Simple Mapi to Extended Mapi which has a great deal more flexibility - so watch for it under NT and Windows 95. We will also be borrowing from our most exciting product yet- Mail Assistant for Microsoft Mail. I also am soliciting ideas for v3.0 - please e-mail them to me either via my CompuServe ID or via our new aol account (JVCollins@Aol.Com) OTHER PRODUCTS ===================================================================== Depending upon when you read this README file, you may be the first to see the announcement for MAIL ASSISTANT FOR MICROSOFT MAIL. We looked at forums on both AOL and on Compuserve for months to gather a list of things that people kept saying "Can MS Mail do....". What does it do? Take a look at this!: 1. Automatically compresses files under a PKZIP 2.04 compatible format (Reduces size and sending times by up to 50%!!!) - Compatible with PKZIP so others without Mail Assistant or Remote users can use it. 2. Automatically decompresses files zipped under Mail Assistant or PKZIP 3. Automatically detaches file attachments given a given extension to a given mail directory. 4. Can automatically forward mail to other accounts (like while I'm gone) 5. Can automatically message mail from incoming accounts with a predefined message 6. Can automatically "tag" your e-mail with signature line(s), like: Thank you for your input, John Doe Microsquish Corp. 7. Includes an ability to "page" or "notify" users of new mail - timed, either visually, audio (beep or your own WAV file) or both 8. If you have sound, many e-mail sections are audible (voice assisted) 9. File Attachments can have passwords included for complete control 10. You can, by default, send messages with Return Receipt enabled 11. Multiple types of Printing Formats for e-mail 12. "Quick" send capability - just click on pre-defined name 13. Complete integration with MS Mail - use with MS Mail client or as a Replacement! 14. Network control - system administrator can control configurations 15. Integrated on-line help Interested, send me e-mail and I'll notify you of where you can d/l your own copy! ======================================== SCHEDULED FOR RELEASE IN EARLY JULY 1995 ======================================== Thanks, James